About the brand


My name is Nayara Santos, and I'm 26 years old. I was born in Cape Verde, where I grew up and completed my secondary education. At the age of 18, I immigrated to Portugal to finish my studies, and there, I graduated in Marketing Management from ISCTE BUSINESS SCHOOL. I stayed in Portugal for 7 years and worked at companies like Fnac and BNP Paribas.

Last year, I became a mother, and the idea of spending long hours away from my daughter to work in an office was something I couldn't bear. It was at that moment that I sought a solution. I had been involved in creating content on social media for about 3 years, but it was only after the birth of my daughter that I started turning it into a source of income, as I took an unpaid leave to be with her. I'm very grateful to have a partner who has always supported me in my decisions.

Finally, after a year on leave, I decided to resign, and we recently moved to the United States. I decided to start my own business and chose the world of fashion. In my opinion, a business is only successful when there's passion involved. And fashion is my passion. I love designing pieces, selecting fabrics, and seeing how they come together.

 Why the name MARIAS

The name "Marias" has a special origin in my life. In my teenage years, my dance teacher, Nicole, used to call the students "Marias." I admired her greatly, and I loved it when she referred to me as "Maria." When I started creating content, I chose the affectionate name "Marias" for my followers, and ever since, they have been my "Marias," while I am their "Maria." They were my biggest inspiration to launch the brand, so no other name would make more sense.

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